Nature of Love FH24.1

Tuscany, Italy
July 22 - 26, 2024

Join the movement to write a new story for humanity.

An intimate and exclusive gathering just outside Florence Italy of 200 action-oriented futurist and visionary entrepreneurs, investors, tastemakers of culture and industry, and humanitarians to actualize a symbiotic future.

Final Sale SOLD OUT. Request an invite or enter the passcode to get your Last Minute tickets.

Nature of Love

Enter a realm that whispers of a timeless tale of the many faces and phases of love and deep enduring bonds.

We return to a familiar place. Where community first was born. A village.

Here, lies a secret. In this village, we create the future.

Nature of Love is an invitation, inspiring a future where our hearts and actions beat in harmony with the natural world.

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Future Horizon is more than a forum for seminal dialogue.

Speakers & Pod Leaders

Each week we reveal new speakers. Futurists and visionaries who are leading the way in global and localized coordination and are on quests for solutions to build a good future.

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